
Cell phones have come a long way!  I mean, I used to carry around a bag phone.  No, I didn’t wear it on my hip or belt…smh!  But now, due to the advancement of modern technology, we have smaller, powerful computerized telephones connected to the palms of our hands.  And, if you have had your phone very long, you have probably dropped it.  The other day, I was coming back from working out, trying to get all my stuff out of my truck and had my phone on top of everything.  I get out of the truck and immediately drop my phone…let’s just say, the concrete isn’t that forgiving…you guessed it, this is what I was staring at…

Not good!  So I had the glass replaced and it works just like new!  However, I can still picture the places on the phone where the cracks were.  I still know where the impact took place when it broke.  I know the scars!

This is alright to talk about when you are talking about a cell phone.  I mean, it isn’t a very personal thing.  But, let me be a little vulnerable with you…at the sake of being dismissed and called a “sissy”.  Some of you know that I am training for my first marathon.  The race is on March 4, 2012 in New Orleans.  This past Saturday, I ran my 20 mile run at White Rock Lake in Dallas, TX.  I take off and have my Ipod playing my playlist and really I am cruising…well, that is my definition of cruising which is more relative than most definitions.  Most of the time when I run long, I use that time to focus on life things.  I pray, I scare people to death by singing with my playlist, I just try to focus on internal things that I need to work on.

On this particular run, at mile 4, the song Our God by Chris Tomlin came up.  This is currently one of my favorite songs!  As I was running and singing this song, the emotion inside of me just kept building up.  For the record, I am not a huge crier, but to be honest, I started bawling like a baby when the chorus came around.  I don’t know why except that God started dealing with me.  His presence was with me during this time of my run.  I guess one thing I learned is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit no matter what you are doing or where you are.

God began to speak to me about brokenness.  I have been in ministry for more than 20 years and obviously, I still don’t have a grasp on being broken before OUR GOD!  I mean, we, as humans are just clay pots.  Gideon used clay pots to win a battle.  What is the importance of this?  Look what Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 4:7,

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels(clay pots), that the excellency of the power may be of God and not ourselves.”

In order for the presence of God to flow out of us these “clay pots” must be broken.  Like the clay pots of Gideon which contained the torches (Judges 7), the vessels of our lives are meant to be broken before God so that His light can shine.  I have to admit, brokenness isn’t always a subject we like to address or have addressed in us.  It is painful, just like having to pay for a new glass on my phone.  But if we really want God’s presence to spill from our lives, we have to become broken before him.  My heart needs to be broken before Christ…after all, He is the potter, we are the clay.  I choose to let Him put the pieces back together in the form He wants and become what He wants me to become.

Do you need to become a broken vessel before God?

Does pride stand in your way of taking the first steps to letting God put the pieces of your brokenNess back together?

Are you willing to become the clay pot or the shattered Iphone that God can use to shine for His glory?

I pray that you all would become broken so He can re-shape you into what He wants…Amen!

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