Torqued by Tension

“Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.” – Barbara DeAngelis

I know what you are thinking…”It has been a long time since you have blogged.”  Yes, that is true!  I have been on a little hiatus from the blogosphere.  But guess what…I am back!  I could hold my silence no longer.  One thing that has been recurring in my world is tension.  It started when I developed some patellar tendonitis from running.  Some would say, “Just stop running and that won’t happen.”  Well, truth is, running releases endorphins and those are addictive and seem to make my days go better…in other words, I run so I don’t kill people. 🙂

I started going to Southfork Chirosport in Murphy, TX.  At this Chiropractic office things are different.  They don’t just crack your back and take your copay then usher you out the door.  I think my shortest visit has been about 1:15 minutes.  They really listen and get to the source of the problem.  The view here is that muscular tension is what causes torque and thus pain in the body.  So, they deal with the muscle.  And with the muscle they deal in great detail! Dr. Dukes says that the reason that tendons get into a bind is due to two muscles pulling in opposite directions…therefore…tension is at the crux!

As I began to think about this and how my running life was torqued by tension…ah, like how I worked the title into the paragraph…I am finding that more and more people are being influenced by tension in their relationships.  This seems to have cropped up time and again.  It doesn’t matter if it is in a marriage, friendship, family or job.  Tension seems to always creep its way into our lives.  I mean, just look at the Obamacare situation in this country…talk about tension!


I find tension pretty regularly throughout the Bible.  I mean, the Garden of Eden, the Israelites and Pharaoh, Jesus Christ and His entire life…it even comes in letters written by Paul to the different Churches…nothing like a grand helping of church tension.  However, tension has one of two responses I want to give you today.

1.  It makes you stronger!

When you face tension, especially in your muscles, a healthy dose of physical therapy will usually help relieve the tension.  The trick here is not taking some kind of medication that will mask the tension and make you think it isn’t there.  You are going to have to embrace the pain!  Embrace it!  The Book of James tells us to “count it all joy when we face trials…”  In other words…face it!  Deal with it and practice the spiritual gift of keeping your mouth shut!  Especially when you are dealing with the tension of relationships.  Remember, your words are powerful.  I have heard it said the our words are like nitroglycerin…they can blow up bridges or heal hearts!

When you face your tension, especially physiologically, it makes you stronger!  You have rehabbed those muscles by strengthening and stretching them which is something they have not been used to doing.

2.  It makes you weaker!

Sometimes getting stronger can make us become a little judgmental.  Be aware of what you are doing that can come across as being condescending.  Don’t look down on anyone, instead, look up as you lift them on your shoulders to help them reach heights they have never achieved.

If love keeps no records of wrongs like it says in 1 Corinthians 13, then why do we hold grudges when we are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves?  It is my opinion that when we condescend to others, then tension causes us to become weaker.  It makes us hurt and eventually something will be torn.  When you tear a muscle or tendon or ligament not only does it hurt, but it makes you weaker and you have to go to the therapy route anyway.

I really like the picture above.  Which leads to my questions for the day…

1.  Who are you?  What defines you?  Are you lifting people on your shoulders or trampling them with your foot words?

2.  Where is the tension in your life right now?  What therapy are you engaged in practicing to get it worked out?  Are you facing it or taking something to mask the symptoms?

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