The Inner Circle

One of the areas that I am being stretched is in the area of accountability. I am kind of like DeNiro’s character on Meet the Parents…you know…the “circle of trust”.

I need people around me, who I can trust to not jump ship. I need people around me that will ask me the tough questions. I need people that I can pour out my wins and losses. What I am trying to say is this…I NEED PEOPLE!

Guess what…you do too! We were created by God to live life with others knowing us. We were meant for community.

Proverbs 13:20 says, “he that walks with the wise grows wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.”

If you isolate yourself you are foolish and hurting yourself. But take that one step further…you are withholding from someone else that may need you…check that…someone that does need you!