Air and Opportunity

When I was a kid, we would constantly be playing games at recess.  Dodgeball, kickball, freeze tag, smear the…oh wait, I don’t think I can say that game these days and not get into trouble.  Anyway, you get my drift.  Most days, that end in ‘Y’, there would be arguments that would break out during those games.  Then the most life altering words would be issued just after those arguing would challenge each other to a fight.  You know, the playground duel to decided the Ruler of the Big Purple Rubber Ball!  One would always tell the other,

There is nothing between you and me but air and opportunity!

Nothing but Air and Opportunity

Pushing would ensue then came the tackle and rolling on the ground clenched in a bear hug because neither combatant really knew how to fight.  A circle of kids would surround those who were hugging and rolling on the ground and start yelling.  Then the teachers would come and break up the whole thing.  It was the most exciting 45 seconds of recess.  It was the precursor to MMA…but we didn’t know it.

Opportunity is a funny word.  It is a word that deals with moments in time.  We all have those moments in time that we are faced with that can change our life if we take advantage of it.  In Athens, Greece, there is a particular statue that is called the Opportunity Statue.  It is of a Greek god named Kairos.  He was the personification of opportunity or good luck and favorable moments.  It is one of the strangest looking statues that I have ever seen particularly his hair.  He is described with one lock of hair.  This hair is different as it sticks straight out…from his forehead and the back of his head is bald.  Talk about needing today’s Rogaine…

Kairos, the Greek god of Opportunity and good fortune.

Greek mythology tells us that Kairos anyone who wanted to catch this god of good fortune would have to grab him by the lock of hair as he approached you because if he somehow got by you, he was gone.  This is where we get our modern day sayings like, “take advantage of the opportunity”, “opportunity is staring you in the face”, “opportunity is knocking”, “make the most of your opportunity” and so on.  Opportunities are fleeting!  Opportunities are many!  Opportunities come and go!

Sometimes, we are presented with more than one opportunity and have to make a choice which one to grab.  There are moments in time when games are changed by a single action or play.  There are turning points in marriages that can either unravel the vows taken or strengthen the cord of unity.  There are moments of decisions on jobs that can propel an employee to the top of the ladder or take them to the basement of unemployment.

This opportunity thing can seem overwhelming.  If you are like me, maybe you always question if this is the right opportunity.

Not every opportunity that comes your way is the right opportunity.  Not every opportunity that you encounter is from God.

I want to share with you some ways that I determine if an opportunity presented is good for me and I should grab hold of it or let it pass me by and look at the back of its bald head as it passes by.

The Opportunity Filter

I use a filter for my coffee.  It helps keep the grounds out of my drink and keeps me enjoying my cup of joe.  I use the same idea when dealing with opportunity.   I call them opportunity filters.

Opportunity Filters

  1. Prayer – Most of the time we see prayer as our last line of defense and it is usually done in desperation according to how pressing the situation is.  Pray first!  Philippians 4:6-7 says,  “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
  2. Questions – Become a toddler when it comes to opportunities.  Ask questions!  Who, What, When and the dreaded Why can all be used to filter out opportunities that you are faced with.  I especially like to ask God the question, What…as in, what are you trying to show me through this opportunity?
  3. Requirements – Always take into account what will be required of you in this opportunity.  If it is a job and will require you to be away from your family 3 out of 4 weeks of a month…is that what you want to do?  Does this line up with God’s purpose for your life?  Psalm 27:4 says, “The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.”
  4. Results – The opportunities that you say yes to should produce results.  That means your gifts and abilities will help you achieve desirable results.  The spiritual connotation is that it produces fruit.
  5. Rewards – Opportunities should bring fulfillment to you.  You should enjoy them.  John 10:10 says it this way, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

One of my biggest filters...Katie

What opportunities do you need to take to God in prayer…First?

What are the things you have said “yes” to requiring of you and does it line up with God’s purpose for your life?

What results are you seeing from your opportunities? 

Are you enjoying the fulfillment in life through the rewards you are experiencing?  

Carpe Diem!