Faith, Focus, Finish

The time is here!  This Sunday, I will compete in my first marathon…thats right!  I said MARATHON!  26.2 miles!  Anyone can run 26 miles, it’s that last .2 that is the doozie!  I love that commercial.  One of my friends really put my race in perspective before we have even run the race.  He said,

The race is the end of your training.  Imagine the race as your victory lap with a bunch of other people.

This helps me more than you can imagine.   As I look back over my life’s running journey…from punishment running in sports, to running with my friends to blow off steam, to when I weighed 420 lbs. and couldn’t run to the end of my cul-de-sac which was only .1 miles.  I have reflected back to my family’s trip to Disney World and the physical misery I was in just walking the parks with my kids.  I hurt!  I reflected on the lack of health issues that I had other than my weight.  However, the mental toll was numbing my mind.  I had become immune to people’s care for me.  I had almost given up on really living my life and becoming a permanent unhappy person that wore a clown’s smile to hide the pain.   I started thinking about all these things and I really began to realize that what Scripture says in James 4:14,

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

I was in a fog!  I needed a light…that light came in just the right time.  It was an encouraging word from my wife and a hug that really changed my thinking.  It was the smile on my kid’s faces that I got to see playing sports and enjoying life.  It was hearing my dogs bark because they were hungry.  I realized at that point that I had value…sure, it was my family, but they needed their husband and dad.  However, for a long time, I had been present, but missing at the same time.  I had to have FAITH in the process!  I started running again.  The road became a place where I could FOCUS on me and spend some time with God…alone.  It was on the road that He did His greatest work in me.  By the way, I realize this can really read as a self-centered post…but hey, its MY blog…:)…there is a point to this.  Now, it is time to FINISH!  I want nothing more than to win the battles in my life now so that my kids don’t have to fight them later on.  In other words, I want to set the example for them to conquer their dreams and ultimately become what God wants them to become.  People ask me all the time,

Why do you run?

My standard answer is…”Because I can!”  My real answer is…I run for my wife, my kids, my health, my hungry dogs.  It is amazing to me that the God of the Universe would even take time to work on me during some of these runs.

On March, 4, 2012, I will start the Rock N Roll New Orleans Marathon.  Lord willing, some 5.5 hours later, I will Finish 26.2 miles.  Why?  Because like Scripture says in Hebrews 12:1,

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

This is the race that is set before me!  This is for the day that I couldn’t make it to the end of my cul-de-sac.  This is for the day that I hated the “Happiest Place on Earth”!  This is for the day that my kids thought they were fat.  This is for the day that I just physically hurt and couldn’t throw a baseball or softball with my son and daughters.  This is for the day that I just didn’t want to go anywhere with my wife.  This is for YOU!  Yes, YOU!  Why You?  Because believe it or not, I am in your “great cloud” of witnesses.  I am cheering for you!  I want you to experience ALL that God has for you and your families.  I have FAITH in my training.  I have FOCUS on why and for who I run.  I will FINISH the race set before me.  After all, my life is just a vapor…why not enjoy it with those I love?

What “race” is it that you need to run? 

Why do you “run”?

When will you take your “victory lap” and will those you love get to cheer you on?

My prayer is that you will start your “race” by getting to the end of your cul-de-sac…Faith, Focus, Finish!